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Murder Mystery

Somebody said something one time
and it was really beautiful.
Somebody said something one time
and it was really ugly.
Somebody said something one time
and it made you cry.
Somebody said something one time
and you were glowing for hours…

God spoke and the word became flesh.

What happened next the pope couldn’t condone.

Someone said something one time
and your mother died.
Someone said something one time
and the parking meter ran outta money.

“Life is a boundless mystery…”
said a lizard, thoughtfully smoking a pipe

everybody knows that you may already be a winner
but I know
that you are already dead

I went to the funeral
and everyone was being picked off
as if by a sniper
one by one
of course the authorities showed up
but they never found,

oh sure there were clues!
tantalizingly & delicious clues!

but the prime suspect turned out to be

a 8yr old little girl
her alibi was an entire petting zoo
and several billion years of anticipation
I was surprised when I died.
God asked me a lot of questions.
He was like an excited little kid.

“What's it like to kiss a girl?! he squirmed.

"You’ve never kissed a girl?" I asked

“Naw.”  God blushed, “For me their is no other.”

“Fucking Bullshit!” an angel piped up. “Shut the Fuck up Todd!” God hissed.
Todd continued. “So that planet you destroyed? cuz that Debbie chick, slapped you…” “DEBRORAH!” God roared “HER NAME WAS DEBORAH! AND SHE DIDN”T SLAP ME. The whole thing was Steve’s fault anyway…” he trailed off. Then he cleared his throat and asked me if I’d even been to an Applebee’s.

Hungry Ghost

It was the best and worst of times…
Angelina Jolie was sucking my cock
but I couldn’t truly enjoy it
because the whole time I was fantasizing
about Angelina Jolie sucking my cock.


You never told anyone
how your heart came undone
or about all the fun
that we had
with your corporate credit card in Kansas City

But all that won’t happen for another few hundred years, so I wouldn’t sweat it.
You remember what you said to that stripper though? Meditation is easy. It is the same as life, only a bit more obvious.
It starts out
boredom boredom…  annoyance - more boredom - more annoyance ect.
when you give up, you can be blindsided by bliss bliss bliss
and then if you are honest  - there is fear - hell, some just start with the fear!
you strive to sort out the bliss from fear - this is a fools errand - but keep at it and you may become a holy fool - an aspect of your mind might dissolve - you literaly loose you fucking mind! =) the rhythm of life, much like in medation turns into a kind of a song - a mantra if you will.

The song is not to be sorted, but sung. 

the song falls into the heart and it all falls apart - there is grace - you laugh and realize that you are a complete and perfect idiot.